Welcome to Explore

Equipping people to
fulfil their divine destiny


About Explore

At Explore Ministries, our mission is clear—to promote revival in individuals, families, communities, regions, and ultimately, our nation. We believe that God is calling His people to a deeper encounter with His presence, igniting hearts with fresh passion, restoring broken lives, and commissioning His sons and daughters to walk in their divine destiny.
Sons And Daughters Of Destiny Conference 
God called me and my husband into this beautiful nation in 2008 from Zimbabwe. At that time our church was undergoing a massive revival. Lots of salvations, miraculous healings, signs and wonders became a normal occurrence on a Sunday service. Our church couldn’t contain the numbers so we had to have 10 services on a Sunday. At the peak of that revival, God called me and my husband with a mandate to foster revival in this beautiful nation.
A few years after settling in Australia, we then started these annual Revival Conferences.  The conference began in Newcastle and was held in Port Macquarie over the past few years. The vision of our conference is that it moves to different regions across our nation.
Now, in 2025, we are excited to bring this transformative event to Taree.
Sons and Daughters of Destiny Conference 2025 will be a time of powerful worship, anointed teaching, and life-changing encounters with the Holy Spirit. We are gathering believers from across the region for a time of equipping, refreshing, and impartation. We would be honoured for you to be a part of this movement of God, standing together as the body of Christ to see revival break out in our midst.
We firmly believe that this conference will strengthen and encourage all who participate, preparing them to step boldly into the purposes God has for their lives.


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

About Florence Madzivire

Director of Explore Ministries

Florence is the founding Director of Explore Ministries. Since the Ministry launched it has helped and equipped hundreds of women on how to find, follow and fulfil their life purpose.

In 2015 Florence founded the Daughters of Destiny Conference. An annual conference held to equip, strengthen, and refresh pastors and leaders and the body of Christ.

Florence is mum to her three boys and married to her husband Blessing. Florence and Blessing have both been pastors for over 15 years and have served as Bible College leaders since 2005.

In 2012 Florence and Blessing launched a vibrant and thriving Bible School in their city. A new phenomenon was seen at this bible college that many of the graduates were re-enrolling again upon completion of their program. The results and experience the students were getting compelled the students to re-enrol again after their graduation.

Florence is also the founder and CEO of Abundant Life Academy and trains many believers how to break free from limitations and fulfil their life purpose. She is a passionate Holy Spirit led dynamic speaker. Her passion is to see every believer walking a victorious Christian life and fulfilling their life assignments on this earth.

A former shy, timid woman who describes herself as being once filled with an inferiority complex and was afraid to speak before people. Florence’s message is inspiring and redemptive.

Florence is a well sought out speaker and makes her home in Australia.

Partner with Explore

Partnership is a commitment to support Explore Ministries with your prayers and finances. We believe the same grace, anointing and results that are a part of this ministry will be a part of your life too. Explore Ministries has a dedicated prayer department that actively prayers for our partners.

When you partner with us you support the work that the Ministry does. Explore Ministry heavily subsidising the Daughters of Destiny Conference to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

We also partner with a global ministry that is involved in many outreaches including prison ministry, helping people impacted by natural disasters and partnering with local communities to spread the gospel and bring restoration to those communities.


Explore Ministries Activities

Daughters of Destiny Conference

The 3-day Daughters of Destiny Conference launched in 2015 and has grown from strength to strength. Day 1 is a Leaders Advance day aimed at equipping pastors and leaders with tools they can use in their leadership journeys. Days 2 and 3 are a women’s conference which has become a great place of connection, prophetic releasing and a tangible place for signs, miracles, and wonders.

Our next conference is called SONS & DAUGHTERS OF DESTINY and we look forward to you joining us 15 – 17 May 2025.

Explore Meetings

Our aim at these meeting is to share practical tools that can be applied to everyone’s life. We have seen many testimonies that have come from the lessons learnt and applied at these meetings. We meet fortnightly during the school term.

Refer to the calendar for the next meeting dates. Our meetings are currently via Zoom.

Please contact us for Zoom details.


To remain true to the DNA of how Explore Ministries started we have Epicentres which are home-based prayer groups. The main aim of Epicentres is to equip people on how to pray.

Prayer is best caught than taught. As we gather and pray, we encourage each other, and we become iron sharpening iron. We believe that prayer should be the foundation of everything we do, alongside walking in love.

Refer to the calendar for the next meeting dates.


Masterclasses are an extension of the Explore Meetings. In the Masterclasses we go deeper in our exploration of specific areas to better equip people.

We have looked at topics like, ‘How to Hear the Voice of God?’ and ‘How to pursue God’s Purpose for My Life’. Masterclasses running weekly during the school term.

Refer to the calendar for next meeting dates.

Our Mission

Explore Ministries is a movement dedicated to provoke spiritual awakening and revival through Prayer, Word of Faith and Wholeness of our soul.

Our mission is to:

  • Inspire and empower individuals to grow in their faith, walk in the power of God’s Word, and ignite spiritual renewal in their personal life, families, communities and nation.
  • We seek to foster unity across the Body of Christ despite various doctrinal differences.
  • We seek to cultivate a generation of believers who are bold in prayer, strong in faith, and carriers of revival.
  • Walking in love is the foundation on which we do everything

Our Vision

At Explore Ministries, our vision is clear—to promote revival in individuals, families, communities, regions, and ultimately, our nation.

We believe that God is calling His people to a deeper encounter with His presence, igniting hearts with fresh passion, restoring broken lives, and commissioning His sons and daughters to walk in their divine destiny.

Our Beliefs

We believe in the trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins and He rose again on the third day.

We believe that man should be born again.

We believe in the resurrected Christ.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person and we can commune and fellowship with Him.

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